After a busy day of lines and rollercoasters at Canada’s Wonderland on Saturday, we went for a leisurely walking tour on Sunday afternoon with the ROM to learn a bit more about the city we live in. Along the way we discovered just how much history can be crammed into a small neighbourhood over the span of a couple hundred years.
Lately, it seems as if our weekends have been more outside of Toronto than in, and we continued that trend this past weekend by visiting Peter and Emily in Montreal! Elizabeth lived in Montreal for eight months and this was Luke’s third weekend trip to Montreal so we didn’t feel the need to see all of the top tourist attractions but, in saying that, we still managed to do quite a lot without really intending to.
This weekend the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) got underway, taking over the city with premieres, parties and a lot of red carpet. We couldn't let the festivities pass us by, so we got our hands on a few tickets for us and Vicki, and set out to see a couple of great films.
Over the Labour Day weekend, we were back in Newfoundland for our second Newfoundland Wedding Weekend of the summer! This time, we stayed on the Avalon Peninsula and, other than wedding festivities, mostly hung out at the cabin in Ocean Pond where Luke had his first Newfoundland blueberry picking experience.
About UsWe're Elizabeth and Luke.
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January 2018