This last weekend was the first in a while that we didn't have anything planned, so at the last minute we booked some train tickets to take us up to Ottawa! Arriving on Friday evening, we enjoyed sampling the sights of the nation's capital (aka Elizabeth's birthplace).
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Our plan for this weekend was to head over to Yonge Street for the Open Street festival. After waking up late and taking our sweet time to get ready, however, the festivities were over by the time we arrived. Fortunately, there always seems to be 10 festivals on the go at any given time in Toronto so we just headed over to Spadina to check out the Chinatown street festival.
On Tuesday, Elizabeth's Aunt Vicki treated us to a Cirque du Soleil show, Luzia! It was a birthday gift for both of us, although Luke's birthday isn't until December. We're not complaining - the show was unbelievable!
This weekend Luke’s parents were around so we ended up doing lots of new things, like joining the crowds at the Taste of the Danforth food festival, and teaching Elizabeth how to hit a golf ball at the driving range. The real highlight of the weekend, though, was our trip to Toronto Zoo.
About UsWe're Elizabeth and Luke.
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January 2018