We set off across the beach to the cliffs and caves ahead of us, only to be thwarted by a stream carving its way down the beach. Luke and Andy hopped across, suffering only mild wetness of foot. Elizabeth and Rebecca continued their search for a narrow section of stream in vain, and eventually accepted the inevitable wet feet. Luckily it was a warm sunny day.
Parking the truck on a gravel road, we set off into the woods on our hike in search of Welsford Falls (a waterfall... in Welsford). It didn't take too long to hear the sound of rushing water, and after descending some precarious pathways we found ourselves at the bottom of a big 'ol waterfall! We also found ourselves swarmed by black flies, so after we took a few photos and Luke had the chance to throw a couple of rocks in the stream, we clambered back up and out of the woods to the truck where the breeze blew the little buggers away. Sat in the back of the truck, we cracked open a few more San Pelegrinos for another little picnic.
Our final day in Saint John started much like the other two, but we eventually made our way back uptown (downtown) for a late brunch at the Cask and Kettle, a new Irish pub. Once again, we enjoyed perhaps a bit too much delicious food, so we decided a post-lunch stroll at a nearby Rockwood Park would be a good idea.
It was a nice stroll around the lake and through the trees, and thanks to a few information boards and our resident tree expert Andy, we also did a bit of learning about the local flora. We also learned how much of a tree snob Andy is, which we suppose is to be expected from the son of a forest engineer.