We printed off all 69 stations, put them in a bag, shook it around a bit, and Luke reached in to draw our first destination…. Lawrence East. We quickly looked up where this station was, only to find that it was at the extreme east of the entire subway system, all the way out in Scarborough. We were not entirely thrilled, but stuck to our guns, researched the area to find something to do there and set out on our first Subway Saturday.
Alighting at Coxwell, it didn’t seem like the busiest area, but it was still on the Danforth which has many cafes and restaurants. Wandering down the road we came across Patisserie la Cigogne and decided it would be a good spot for lunch, with lots of tasty cakes and breads on display and mouthwatering menu of Quiches, baguettes and tourtieres. Luke opted for a baguette while Elizabeth had some quiche, both of which were absolutely delicious. First Subway Saturday gem discovered! Success!
It was an interesting part of town to explore. We’ll be back for a curry there at some point in the future. (Subway Saturday gem #2!).
So ended our first Subway Saturday. Despite a slightly rocky start it ended up a big success, and we think we’ve figured out the best way of doing it now - just look at the subway map and pick a place to go that seems like it might be interesting. Hopefully we’ll find some tasty food, and interesting places along the way.
Here are some more photos from our Saturday: